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Every thing you need to know about Concepts

Find the explanation to all key Coaching and Psychology concepts that you must know if you are serious about setting up a practice as a psychologist or a coach.

The focus of this blog category is on the core concepts that are important to understand as a therapist, coach and others working in the area of mental, emotional and behavioural health.

Unlocking HR Success: Cognitive Hypnotic Coaching for Professionals

Introduction In today’s dynamic corporate landscape, Human Resource (HR) professionals are at the forefront of driving organizational success. However, the challenges they face are multifaceted, ranging from enhancing employee engagement to navigating through complex change management processes. Amidst these challenges

Understanding the Defense Mechanism of Intellectualization in Psychology

Intellectualization is a defense mechanism that many individuals employ to cope with challenging situations. In this article, we will delve into the concept of intellectualization, its purpose, potential problems associated with over-reliance on this defense mechanism, and how therapists can

Cover image for the article on Understanding what is catharsis and why it is not enough

What is Catharsis and Why Catharsis Is Not Enough?

In this article, we’ll delve into the intricate concept of catharsis, exploring why it holds significance and, more importantly, why it often falls short in addressing emotional turmoil. Many of us have experienced those challenging days when despair, depression, and

Five Love Languages for happier relationship

Improve Your Relationships: Discover the 5 Love Languages

Introduction In most relationships, love or absence of it is rarely a problem. Not knowing how to express love in way a that your partner understands is. In this post we will focus on understanding, discovering & find ways of

Sublimation - Psychological Defense Mechanism

Unlocking Sublimation: A Deep Dive into Psychological Defense Mechanisms

Welcome to a comprehensive exploration of sublimation, a fascinating psychological defense mechanism. In this article, we will delve deep into the concept of sublimation, its historical roots, practical applications, and how therapists work with clients who use this mechanism. What

Sports Psychology

Sports is an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. It includes non-physical activities as well. What is Sports Psychology? The scientific study of people engaged in sport

Every behaviour has positive intention

Positive Intention – Does every behaviour really have one?

I had this friend in college, who had a habit of complaining constantly. She would complain about almost anything and everything. The manner in which she complained was such that she was generally the focus of attention in social gatherings.

Avoidance - Repression is unconscious, suppression is conscious

Suppression and Repression – Defense Mechanisms

Repression and suppression are very similar defense mechanisms which people use in order for them to cope with a stimulus that can harm them. What is the Defense Mechanism of Suppression? Suppression is a psychological defense mechanism where an individual